- March 10, 2025
VAS Monthly Meeting - Note date change & Change of topic
March 10, 2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Brownell Library, 6 Lincoln St, Essex Junction, VT 05452, USAFree and Open to the Public
Please note the date change as the 3rd is Town Meeting day for most.
In-person and via Zoom
Ask for the Zoom link from paulwaav@together.net or theresamarie11@GMAIL.COM
VAS Members will be emailed the Zoom link
The in-person will be at the Brownell Library on 2A near 5-Corners in Essex Junction.If you attend via Zoom please get on-line before 7:30. To download the Zoom application go to Zoom.us. If you don't have Zoom installed, the application will automatically download and install when you click the meeting link.
The James Web Telescope Three Years On
Presented by Neil Perlin
Only three years ago, on December 25, 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope launched to tremendous fanfare, non-stop news articles, and presentations packed with scientists and with non-scientists wondering what all the fuss was about. But since then, what? You may have seen some of the spectacular photos from the Webb but they tend to be published with little description – what are we looking at? And what about the scientific research and results, the meat of the mission?
This presentation will summarize where the James Webb stands to date. We’ll look at four aspects:
- The technologies, and why origami is a telescope designer’s friend.
- Some of the spectacular pictures from the James Webb and an explanation of what they show.
- Some of the scientific results so far, and some of the studies underway now.
- And, as cutting edge as the James Webb is, what comes next?
Following the main presentation, our recurring monthly presentations will include Constellation of the Month by Terri Zittritsch.
- April 7, 2025
VAS Monthly Meeting
April 7, 2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Brownell Library, 6 Lincoln St, Essex Junction, VT 05452, USAFree and Open to the Public
In-person and via Zoom
Ask for the Zoom link from paulwaav@together.net or theresamarie11@GMAIL.COM
VAS Members will be emailed the Zoom link
The in-person will be at the Brownell Library on 2A near 5-Corners in Essex Junction.If you attend via Zoom please get on-line before 7:30. If you don't have Zoom installed, the application will automatically download and install when you click the meeting link. This may take a couple minutes.
Exoplanets – Finding Planets Around Other Stars
Presented by Neil PerlinJust a few decades ago, exoplanets were science fiction. No more. The first exoplanets were found in 1992. Today, that number is nearing 6,000 confirmed, with many more waiting to be reviewed. And the closest exoplanet is only 4.2 light years away.
But how do we find planets that are even "only" 4.2 light years - 25,300,000,000,000 miles - away? Can non-astronomers help? Come to this presentation to find out. We’ll look at:● What types of exoplanets have we found? What do these findings indicate?
● How to find exoplanets using techniques like transit, radial velocity, and microlensing. These techniques may sound incomprehensible but their concepts are often straightforward. For example, if you've ever had a moth fly in front of your porch light, you understand the concept behind the transit technique.
● Two ways for amateurs to investigate exoplanets.The more we learn, the stranger and more interesting the universe becomes.
Following the main presentation, our recurring monthly presentations will include Constellation of the Month by Terri Zittritsch.
- April 10, 2025
UVM Stargazing at Restone Campus
April 10, 2025 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Redstone Green or Soccer Fields TBD
- April 12, 2025
Fixup day at brownell library
April 12, 2025 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Brownell Library 6 Lincoln St, Essex Junction, VT 05452, United StatesA general fixup day to keep things out of the landfill. More details to come
- May 5, 2025
VAS Annual Banquet & Business Meeting
May 5, 2025 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
St. John's Club, 9 Central Ave, Burlington, VT 05401, USANot open to the general public,
however, members can invite guests
and if you are not a member and would like to be an invited, please contact us at info@vtastro.orgThis will be in person and via Zoom.
Zoom link will be sent to members via email.No Presentation
Meal (this info is based last year and may be subject to change): Price will be $25 per person at the door.
Please RSVP your meal choice by Sunday, April 27:
Chicken- Roast Chicken breast, Garden Salad (don't know what dressings will be provided but feel free to bring your own favorite), Rolls and butter, Rice PilafOR
Vegetarian Lasagna
Location: St. John’s Club, 9 Central Ave. Burlington (take Lakeside Ave from Pine St.).
Time: Social Hour 6-7. Dinner 7-8. Dinner will be catered this year. Awards and Annual Business Meeting 8-9.Cookies for dessert for everyone. We also welcome any desserts people wish to bring to supplement the cookies : )
Election of Officers will be via email and in-person:
Board Positions up for election/re-election this year- Secretary, Treasurer, 4 Board Members at large. Let Terri or Paul know if you are interested in any of these positions by emailing info@vtastro.org. You must be a Full Member (if you are an Associate, you must request to become a Full Member early enough to give us time to consider making you a Full Member).
- June 2, 2025
VAS Monthly Meeting
June 2, 2025 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Brownell Library, 6 Lincoln St, Essex Junction, VT 05452, USAFree and Open to the Public
In-person and via Zoom
Ask for the Zoom link from paulwaav@together.net or theresamarie11@GMAIL.COM
VAS Members will be emailed the Zoom link
The in-person will be at the Brownell Library on 2A near 5-Corners in Essex Junction.If you attend via Zoom please get on-line before 7:30. If you don't have Zoom installed, the application will automatically download and install when you click the meeting link. This may take a couple minutes.
Do Look Up: Detecting and Deflecting Hazardous Asteroids
By Zoe Landsman
Impact craters on the Earth and other planets are reminders that asteroids and comets can and do collide with planets, with potentially disastrous consequences. So that we humans can avoid the fate of the dinosaurs, networks of telescopes search the skies for these potentially hazardous objects. Learn more about how astronomers look for hazards and what we could do to mitigate the risk if an asteroid were on a collision course for Earth.Following the main presentation, our recurring monthly presentations will include Constellation of the Month by Terri Zittritsch.
- June 21, 2025
Summer Solstice
June 21, 2025 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Event at Burlington park stonehenge