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Galaxy Group South of Leo Centered on M105 (NGC 3379)

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This is an interesting galaxy group centered on M105.  This group is located south of Leo just about centered between alpha-Leo (Regulus) and theta-Leo. The image contains about 12 named objects, as you can see from the annotated version.

The main purpose of this was as a test of a reducer on a new telescope, a Stellarvue SVX90T, yielding an effective focal length of 432mm.

Capture Date: 4/24/2024


Stellarvue SVX90T Apochromatic refractor (native fL 540mm) with 0.8x reducer (to 432mm)
Guidescope/Cam: SV106 with ASI120mm mini
ASIAir Plus, ASI2600MM, ZWO AM5 mount, ZWO 7-position filter wheel

Filters: Antlia V-Series Pro R, G, and B filters, 19 x 180s each.  Total integration time: 2:51

Processed with PixInsight and JPEG generated in Adobe Photoshop.

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