The Vermont Astronomical Society is located in the Burlington, Vermont area with monthly meetings in Essex Junction and an observatory in Hinesburg.  Membership in the Vermont Astronomical Society includes a subscription to our quarterly newsletter, The Morning Star. All members may enjoy use of any VAS equipment once they have demonstrated competence and responsibility in doing so.

Membership Levels


For those who wish to acquire a basic knowledge of astronomy or make use of VAS equipment. These are non-voting memberships. Associate members are not required to contribute time or services to the Society.


For those who wish to be more actively involved in amateur astronomy in Vermont. Full members are required to contribute time and services to the Society, and enjoy full voting privileges. New members start out as Associate members, however, if enthusiastic it won’t take long to become a full member.

To become a Full member, an Associate member must make their wishes known at a monthly meeting or via email or phone to a board member (see contacts page). Typically they will be assigned a sponsor from among the Full members. This sponsor will work and observe with the prospective Full member for a period of three months, after which acceptance of Full membership will be considered by the voting members.


For those individuals who wish to aid in the financial support of the VAS, see that existing programs are continued, see VAS develop new programs or research, or provide for new equipment. Life members may also be Associate members, or, if qualified and approved, Full voting members.

Annual Dues

Please note that all donations may be tax deductible.

Level              Amount

Associate     $15.00 / year (see prorated chart below)

Full                $25.00 / year

Life                One time donation of $500.00 or more


Month Joined Prorated Associate Dues
January $15
February $14
March $13
April $11
May $10
June $9
July $8
August $6
September $5
October $4
November $3
December $1

How to Become a Member

Send us your name, mailing address, email address (optional but encouraged as most of our communications are via email) and phone number (optional) and a check made out to Vermont Astronomical Society (or VAS).

Send to:                                 VAS
                                              PO Box 782
                                              Williston, VT 05495

You can also email your information to  (Paul Walker, Sec., and Jack St. Louis, Pres., will get your email). Another option is to bring your info and check to one of the monthly meetings (see Events page).

Society ByLaws – Vas By-Laws (Current, Approved 2023-10-02)

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