Must observe a given number of planets from each group:

Inner Planets: either Mercury or Venus

Outer Planets: Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn (all 3)

Remote Planets: either Uranus or Neptune

Telescope Size:
any – must be able to get 100x + (allthough a 4″or larger telescope is suggested but not required).
Filters:        also some colored filters are suggested but not required for this award

Required Information: date, time, telescope size, and power for each observation and drawing.

Requirements for Each Planetary Grouping:

Inner Planets: either Mercury or Venus, observe and draw at least 2 times.

2 different planetary shapes (phase).

Outer Planets: observe each of these planets at least 3 times.

Mars: observe, identify, and draw:

polar cap

2 major features: Dark Areas

1 light feature: Bright Area

Jupiter: observe, identify, and draw

2 different belts

1 Light Zone

2 different belt details, Note: GRS counts as one belt detail

Jupiter 4 moons

Saturn: observe, identify, and draw:


Cassini’s Division

1 belt

See how many moons you can get (1+)

Remote Planets: either Uranus or Neptune, observe and draw at least 2 times.

Disc and Color

Total Minimal drawings of Planets for Certificate:

Inner Planets

Outer Planets

Remote Planets


Total Minimal Number of different Planets observed for Certificate: 5

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