Last seen: Jun 4, 2024
@terri That is a fantastic image Terri. I could barely see the ion tail in my images but yours is perfect. I am ordering pixinsight today.
There is a pdf I put together a couple of years ago on using registax to process a mars video but I can't seem to attach it.
Hi Monty We went to Mauna Kea in February 2017. We did not have a four wheel drive so we went to the top on a tour. It was worthwhile and very info...
Also the powerhouse lighting up the Orion Nebula, the Trapezium photographed 3-22-21 using a 6 inch F15 Maksutov Cassegrain. 30 5 second exposures at...
Not my first image but I like it. It was taken with a 66 mm Astrotech refractor. 300 1 minute subs with a Canon modified XT camera. Orions...
Another reprocessing. m28c-2.jpg
I use an Orion Starshoot Pro and a Mini External 50 mm guide scope with the program PHD Guiding 2. I always image with a computer. Since I image wit...