Last seen: Mar 19, 2025
Wow. Every time I think I'm getting a handle on these things, I see posts that raise the bar and challenge me to get up that learning curve faster. ...
@greg-erianne You inspired me to dust-off my RegiStax install, watch a couple of tutorials, and take another look at my Jupiter video. There's some ...
The 2nd photo and 2nd session of stacking. PXL_20220828_022942515_pipp_AS_P50_l8_ap86_conv_e.jpg
Recently took the next baby step up the astrophotography mountain and started stacking with frames from short videos. The nice thing about just starti...
I love the detail in this one. Gossamer filaments.
Looking good! Both the post, and most certainly the attached image.
Beautiful Shot, Terri.
You did an excellent job of salvaging what was nearly a clouded over event. The intervening clouds provided a lot of atmosphere for the photo, no pu...
The Imbrium pic is downscaled to get under the upload size limit for the forums. The full scale 12MP (5.8MB) pic is nicer on blowup. It's nearly 3 tim...
Last night's 1stQ Moon. Mare Imbrium with Vallis Alpes visible at about the 10 position. Celestron NexStar Evolution 6 with Pixel 3. IMG_202...
Here's another 1st Quarter Moon from April 18th. Taken through my Celestron NexStar Evolution 6 with a 40mm Plossl and neutral filter. Captured with t...
Jack, Those are great examples of what the new high-zoom cameras are capable of. You can't get much simpler than mounting a camera on a tripod. Far le...
Another example of an simple entry level option for beginner astro-photography. This is a shot of the March 21st 1st Quarter Moon. Imaged through ...
For those who may want a more personal chat experience, the Solar System Ambassadors volunteering for NASA in Vermont are co-hosting a zoom call from ...
Image upload was blocked with a "Too Big" message. It was 2.01MB, which is over the 2MB limit. Trying another. - Edit: Reply with attachment successfu...