IC443 or the Jellyf...
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IC443 or the Jellyfish nebula

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Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 408
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IC443 is another example of a supernova remnant.   Supernova remnants are some of my favorite astrophotography targets.   These remnants are the result of the spectacular and cataclysmic ending of stars lives.   Although, thought about differently, they are a final metamorphosis of stars into the beautiful objects we can now photograph.   IC443 is considered a mixed morphology supernova remnant.   It has aspects of a shell type remnant created by the supernova shock wave exciting nearby gas and material, but also has aspects of a crab-type supernova remnant which are created by high energy electrons thrown off by a remaining pulsar that interacts with magnetic fields and throws off both x-ray and visible light as a result.   The crab-type supernova remnant is named after M1, the crab nebula which is the most famous example.   IC443 is one of the most studied supernova remnants and has a pulsar in the middle.   IC443 has an apparent size of 50 arc-minutes and is approximately 5,000 light years distant making its actual size 70 light years!    I imaged IC443 with a Astro-Physics Stowaway telescope reduced to 492mm focal length and a 60mp ASI6200 mono camera through Chroma 3nm Ha, OIII and SII filters.    I am displaying the image in the Hubble (SHO) palette.    I have RGB data as well, and plan to integrate it when time allows.



This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Terri Zittritsch

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