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Getting Started using a Smart Phone

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I've been dabbling at capturing images through various telescopes for a couple of years.

I had very limited success with trying to hold a smart-phone camera up to the eyepiece of a Celestron 128EQ on an equatorial mount.

Things got quite a bit easier when I invested in an inexpensive Phone Clamp that clamps onto the barrel of an eyepiece. The cheap Phone Clamp had a couple of degrees of freedom for aligning the phone with the eyepiece. Hard to use. Easy to knock out of alignment.

I purchased a Celestron Phone Clamp that had more adjustments for alignment, and it greatly simplified capturing quick images with a phone. Once the phone is clamped, there are three knobs to turn for the XYZ alignment of the phone lens with the eyepiece lens.


Terri Zittritsch
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Scott, is this the Celestron Nexyz that you're using?  If so, I purchased one of these as well and can agree with you that it offers a lot more adjustment than the standard clamps, one of which I've purchased and returned.    Unfortunately it costs about 3X more than the simpler clamps.



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Yes, it's the NexYZ product. I got it on the conference floor at NEAF last spring. They were offering a significant show discount.

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I have the $30 or so phone holder from Orion, works great on most eyepieces, but I did have trouble with a variable a while back.  I really like the one I have, simple and holds all phones I have tried so far.  Jack


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