Aurora Borealis fro...
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Aurora Borealis from Williston VT

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I was able to get some video of the Aurora before it clouded up, but the file is too large to put here.  This is the Instagram Link.  I'll try to modify it so the file is a bit smaller and see if I can upload it to the FB site.  Link:


Terri Zittritsch
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Posts: 407

Greg, fabulous!  That’s cool to see how it undulates real time.    I could see the aurora changing shape at times, but most of the time it looked static to me with just my eyes.     This is very cool!   

I must have 100 images.   I went out to the corner to get a clearer view until around 1am.


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Thanks, Terri.  It was really great to see first-hand.  I had my camera (Canon SL3/250D) out on a tripod but, for the life of me, I couldn't seem to get any usable images or videos with the thing!  I had to settle for the iPhone video and didn't want to waste too much time since clouds were starting to roll in.

I definitely have to reacquaint myself with my camera so I don't have to do so much last-minute futzing around with it.  

Glad you got some images!  


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