Lower's Nebula SH2-...
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Lower's Nebula SH2-261 in SHO

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Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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Hi all, The other image I captured at the Winter Star Party this year.  This is Lower's nebula, a not often imaged object in Orion.  It's way up in the club of the constellation.    I captured this in narrow band with 3nm Chroma filters in Ha, OIII and SII.   Each filter has 2.5 hours total integration in 600s unguided exposures.   I then shot 30min each R, G and B for the star color for a total of 9 hours of integration in all.   The scope, a TEC140 with flattener about 1030mm focal length.   It's a bit 'crunchy' so still working on it, but thought I'd throw it out here while I'm working on it for feedback.  



This topic was modified 2 years ago by Terri Zittritsch

Honorable Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 392

Nice image, Terri.  You might have to fix the title of the Forum Post: it says "ber's Nebula..."

Great detail, and I love the color palette.  As it is currently, the upper part of the image looks just a little soft to me, but I see the crunchiness you're referring to in the lower part.  Also, I'm sure once you lighten the sky a bit, you'll have even more nebulosity surrounding the nebula itself since I know there's more present there.  

Great capture and nice job processing so far!


Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 408
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Posted by: @greg-erianne

Nice image, Terri.  You might have to fix the title of the Forum Post: it says "ber's Nebula..."

Great detail, and I love the color palette.  As it is currently, the upper part of the image looks just a little soft to me, but I see the crunchiness you're referring to in the lower part.  Also, I'm sure once you lighten the sky a bit, you'll have even more nebulosity surrounding the nebula itself since I know there's more present there.  

Great capture and nice job processing so far!


Thanks for the feedback Greg.. you see what I see.    I found it a difficult object to process.   The top has less fine detail than the bottom.   In my quest to get more overall detail, I overdid the bottom while the top could use more work.     Thanks for the feedback.    There isn't a lot more nebulosity in the background of my images as this shows fairly small and by itself at least in my 10 min exposures.   Maybe if I'm able to get to the WSP next year I'll get some more time on it.   



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