Butterfly Nebula an...
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Butterfly Nebula and Sadr region (IC 1318) in Cyg

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The area in this image is known as the Butterfly Nebula in Cygnus is in the Sadr region of Cyg (IC 1318; Gamma Cygni Nebula), an area rich with emission nebulae as well as bright and dark nebulae.  The image only shows part of the nebula area which spans about 100 light-years (ly) across and is nearly 5,000 ly from Earth.  The star for which the region is named, Sadr (not visible in this image), is closer to us at about 1,500 ly from Earth.  

Capture Dates: 8/13, 9/4, 9/5, and 9/6/2024


Stellarvue SVX90T Apochromatic Refractor @native 540mm fL
Guidescope/Cam: SV106 with ASI120mm mini
ASIAir Plus, ASI2600MCMC, ZWO AM5 mount, ZWO 5-position filter wheel

Antlia Pro V series Lum (60s x 15) [0:15]
Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 2": 68×300″ [5:40]
Antlia 3nm Narrowband SII  2": 40×300″ [3:20]
Antlia 3nm Narrowband OIII 2": 63×300″ [5:15]

Total integration time: 14:30

Processed with PixInsight and Adobe Photoshop.

Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 407

Hi Greg, great image.   I love the color and the detail in the dark dusy lanes.    This is such a cool area.   You can spend a lot of time imaging in Cygnus!



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