Elephant's Trunk Ne...
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Elephant's Trunk Nebula

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I captured this image from my backyard in Williston (Bortle 4) on 7/27/22.  Lots of stars in this image so I did a basic star minimization in PS, and I don't think it helped much but the nebula itself doesn't seem to be obscured by the stars.    

AT60ED w/ field flattener
ASI2600MC Pro (OSC camera)
SkyGuider Pro with guiding via ASIAir Plus using an ASI120mm mini and a 30mm F4 guide scope
Optolong L-Extreme dual-band filter (H-alpha, O-III)
300 second exposures x 30, with dark, flat, and bias calibration frames
Stacked in Siril and processed in Photoshop  

Terri Zittritsch
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Posted by: @greg-erianne

I captured this image from my backyard in Williston (Bortle 4) on 7/27/22.  Lots of stars in this image so I did a basic star minimization in PS, and I don't think it helped much but the nebula itself doesn't seem to be obscured by the stars.    

AT60ED w/ field flattener
ASI2600MC Pro (OSC camera)
SkyGuider Pro with guiding via ASIAir Plus using an ASI120mm mini and a 30mm F4 guide scope
Optolong L-Extreme dual-band filter (H-alpha, O-III)
300 second exposures x 30, with dark, flat, and bias calibration frames
Stacked in Siril and processed in Photoshop  

Greg, super capture, thank you for sharing on the forum as well as sharing all of the capture details!   Others can learn.   I have an optolong filter I’ve yet to use.    I have more ‘stuff’ than clear skies and time/ energy!



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I took my older data (from the first post of this thread) and decided to reprocess it from scratch in PixInsight in an HOO palette.  I can see considerably more detail in this palette than I could using just the Ha/OIII colors I originally used.  Let me know what you think!

All the data capture information is the same as detailed in the first post.  The only difference was the pre- and post-processing was done primarily in PixInsight with a few minor touchups in Photoshop.

Maura Kelley
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Hi Greg, this is such a beautiful shot!

It makes me think (yet again) about getting PixInsight. It’s very complicated, but I suppose there are YouTube videos! 

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@maura-kelley Thanks, Maura!  I think sometimes all I do all day is watch YouTube videos about PixInsight! 🙄 It has a bit of a learning curve (and I'm still on the very bottom of it), but I really think it's worth the investment of time (and money).  I'm not only learning the software, but a lot of other stuff about imaging in general.  


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