The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula (IC 1396A) is composed of interstellar gas and different densities of dust within a much larger region designated as IC 1396. It is located in the constellation Cepheus and is about 2,400 light years (ly) away from Earth. The gases in this region are energized by the bright and massive star, HD 206267 (out of frame), and the entire region is a site of star formation.
Capture Date: 7/13/2024
Stellarvue SVX90T Apochromatic Refractor @native 540mm fL
Guidescope/Cam: SV106 with ASI120mm mini
ASIAir Plus, ASI585MC (2.9µ pixels), ZWO AM5 mount, ZWO 5-position filter wheel
ZWO UV/IR cut filter (Luminance) – 0:20 (RGB stars)
Antlia ALP1 (Ha/OIII) 5nm dual narrowband filter – 2:45
Antlia ALP2 (SII/Hb) 5nm dual narrowband filter – 1:20
Total integration time 4:25.
Processed with PixInsight and Adobe Photoshop
I decided to tamp down the magenta and saturation. I think this version looks a bit better.
Beautiful image and processing of the trunk.. like your color palette. Nice details. I like both versions..
@terri Thanks, Terri. I have even more versions of this! 🤣 Seems like I could keep processing this one forever.