M45 (Pleiades, Seve...
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M45 (Pleiades, Seven Sisters)

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Another year, another beautiful Pleiades! As I was packing up the other morning about 5 am, I saw these beauties in the eastern sky and couldn't resist imaging them again the following night. Here comes the beautifully crisp winter sky! 😊 

One of the most beautiful, and conspicuous, objects in the fall/winter sky is M45 (Pleiades, Seven Sisters), an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus about 440 light years from Earth. It is the nearest Messier object to our planet. This open cluster contains hot, blue stars estimated to have formed within the last about 100 million years.

The dust cloud around M45 is believed to be unrelated to the cluster’s formation and thought to be part of the interstellar medium through which the Seven Sisters just happen to be passing.

Capture date: 9/4/24

William Optics RedCat 61 WIFD (f/4.9)
ASI585 Pro OSC camera with a 5-position ZWO filter wheel
ZWO 30F4 guide scope with an ASI120MM mini guide cam
ASIAir, AM5 mount


Antlia Triband RGB Ultra: 43 x  90s [1:04]
Antlia Triband RGB Ultra: 37 x120s [1:14]

Total integration time: 2:18

Processed in PixInsight and Adobe Photoshop

Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 407

Beautiful image Greg with deep saturated color.   love the details.



Honorable Member
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@terri Thanks, Terri!  It's hard to ever get tired of looking at this beautiful cluster.


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