NGC6883, NGC6871, W...
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NGC6883, NGC6871, Wolf Rayett 134, LBN182, LBN 172, LBN 174, LBN1 179 and a slew of LDNs

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Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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Here is a fairly rich field of stars, gas and and dust and other gems such as Wolf Rayet star and it's surrounding shock wave of ionized OIII.    I took this with a TEC140ED, ASI6200mm camera with 3nm Chroma filters, an A-P reducer corrector to bring me down to 700mm on an A-P 1100GTO mount.   Total imaging time is 10.5 hours with 3 hours of 10 minute exposures each for the narrow band channels, and 30 minutes each for the R G and B colors used for the stars.  

Besides the ionized gas and dust in the area, the most interesting thing is the aftermath of the Wolf Rayet 134 star showing the ionized OIII ring around it.  Best seen without stars, and looks much like the filimentary structures seen around the Crescent nebula, also the result of a Wolf Rayet star.    

Shown in multiple color palettes here and different amount of star content.   



This topic was modified 6 months ago 4 times by Terri Zittritsch

Honorable Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 392

@terri These are really beautiful, Terri! I absolutely love the detail in the WR star.  Fantastic job.



Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 407
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@greg-erianne Thanks Greg, your beautiful image was my inspiration. 



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