NGC7822 and Sh2-171...
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NGC7822 and Sh2-171 at fL 1422mm

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I was intrigued by earlier images I shot at shorter focal lengths of these two areas, especially the area containing the “Pillars of Cepheus” (Pillars of NGC7822) in Sh2-171. I wanted to capture more detail, so I decided to use the EdgeHD 800 with a focal reducer (fL 1422mm) for a brief imaging session. 

Sh2-171 (sometimes called the "Teddy Bear") is a high northern object and contains a young star cluster, Berkeley 59, which is only a few million years old. Sh2-171 and NGC 7822 are in the constellation Cepheus and are about 3000 light years from Earth.  Around the bottom of the image of the nebula are the Pillars of Cepheus, active regions of star formation.

Capture Date: 6/15/2024/2024


EdgeHD 800 with 0.7x focal reducer @ 1422mm fL
Guidescope/Cam: Celestron OAG and ASI174mm mini
ASIAir Plus, ASI2600MM, ZWO AM5 mount, ZWO 7-position filter wheel


Antlia 3nm Narrowband H-alpha 2": 16×300″ (1:20)
Antlia 3nm Narrowband Oxygen III 2": 10×300″ (0:50)
Antlia 3nm Narrowband Sulfur II 2": 16×300″ (1:20)

Total Integration Time: 3:30

Processed with PixInsight and Adobe Photoshop.

Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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Posts: 407

Hi Greg, another interesting area you’ve found in the galaxy.   Nice processing (I’d take out a bit more green) and details.     You are really making a big splash this spring!



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@terri Thanks, Terri!  I agree I could have removed some more of the green.  (I should have let it sit for another day as a background on my computer!)  Does this look any better to your eyes?  


This post was modified 8 months ago by Greg Erianne

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