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Perseid meteor shower

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Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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Hi all, I was out after 1am to see the Perseids Meteor shower last night as I suspect it’s the only clear night this weekend.      I positioned my zero gravity chair to point south east to give me the best view of the sky, and laid back to look straight up.     I saw 5 Perseid’s over the course of 30 minutes between 1:30am and 2am, so a rate of only 10/hr    But the most spectacular fireball I saw was not a Perseid as it came across the southern sky and did not emanate from the Perseus radiant.     This was a large yellow fireball that was bright and long lasting.   Either a piece of space junk or a non-Perseid meteor, I don’t know which.  It happened closer to 1:30am than 2am.    


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@terri So glad you had a chance to see that fireball!  Must have been exciting.  I think you made it just in time, too.  I went out about 2:15 and it was overcast here (not in the forecast, of course).  We might get some viewing tonight between clouds.  Who knows?


Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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@greg-erianne Greg, glad you said something about overcast skies coming in.   I was up till 2:30am, and everything continued to run fine and the weather looked safe so I went to bed.   This morning, it seems that right after I went to bed, things went to crap and I was going to embark on a dive into the logs to see if it was something related to setup or sequence.  I think you’ve solved the mystery for me.   



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Posts: 392

@terri I checked periodically until about 3:00 am, and after looking outside and with no end to the clouds in sight, decided to pack it up.  I don't think it cleared up.  That was probably what happened!  Pesky clouds...


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