Bode's Galaxy and C...
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Bode's Galaxy and Cigar Galaxy

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Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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I shot these some time ago, just constantly playing around with image processing as new procedures or new processes become available.  

Bode's, or M81 is a spiral galaxy with a diameter of 90K light years and 12 million light years away.   The Cigar galaxy, or M82, is also around 12M ly from earth.  Both were discovered by Johann Elert Bode.    You can also see an irregular galaxy, UGC5336, just above Bode's galaxy, which looks like a bright bluish patch.  

Both M81 and M82 are easily captured in smaller instruments visually.



Paul Walker
Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 96

Very nice.  Very detailed and I like the how you keep the background bright enough to maintain visibility of the faint extremities of the galaxies.

Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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Posted by: @pwalker

Very nice.  Very detailed and I like the how you keep the background bright enough to maintain visibility of the faint extremities of the galaxies.

Thanks Paul, I do typically keep the background a bit brighter.  I like to see all the faint stuff.  




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