Last seen: Sep 24, 2024
Nice set of images Terri. You had enough focal length to get the kind I detail I knew I wouldn't get at the 300mm fl I had intended to use (my lens op...
Thanks. They are the same ones I sent out to the vtastronmy@list.
Here I switched from recording video to taking still shots.This is a stack of 23 shots take at 3:28:02 PM, 9 seconds after mid-totality.I darkened the...
While the first one looks more "natural" the remake has more pop without being over processed. I too like them both though I find the 2nd more aesthe...
Yes, nicely done. I'm a fan of the more natural, more subdued look for galaxies as well. I'm amazed that you could retain the cores of all 3 galaxie...
Another Mosaic - Western Edge of the Moon For those who haven't been able to take advantage of the rare clear nights this Fall or don't have a teles...
Nice to hear you got to see it. Nice sequence. Looking forward to seeing the H-alpha shots. Good travels. Paul
Yes, nice image. I too like your choices in the color processing. The "spikes" certainly are not objectionable in the image. Yes, they are probab...
Well, you can always make 2 (or more versions)! Seldom is there just one "best" result.
Yes, very nice rendition. And they look so much bigger in pictures than in person! As you know it is hard to render the faint outer parts of galaxi...
2023-05-28 ~13:03 to 13:07 EDT Sunspot #3315 I could see the dark "bridge" within the white cleft was visible the 8" Dobsonian at 244x indicating ...
2023-05-23 13:23 EDT Sunspot #3311 10" f/5.6 stopped down to 8" f/7 with a Baader ASTF 8" full aperture filter. 2X Barlow (2.65x eff), HD video @ ...
Here's my contribution. I have my 6" f/4 on the Atlas mount right now so that's the scope I used. Image is a stack of 15, 4 minutes exposures, with ...