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The Great American Eclipse from Williston, Vt

7 Posts
3 Users
Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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Here are some images.. I've caught a bug so been a little under the weather last night and today so image processing is going slow.

We had a fantastic time with many neighbors and out of town family!    No one went away disappointed in the show we saw.    I automated all of my imaging so I didn't touch a camera or a setting during the eclipse and decided I'd get what I get.   

The clouds and the reflection from the clouds damped the corona a bit, but not the enthusiasm.     My images below were taken with an Astro Physics Stowaway with flattener and Canon Ra mirrorless camera.     I used my Astr0-Physics Mach2 mount.   I have 100s of shots and when I feel a bit better I'll post a few more or a collage.



This topic was modified 4 months ago 9 times by Terri Zittritsch

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@terri  Absolutely amazing shots, Terri!!  Really nice.   Feel better soon!


Terri Zittritsch
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@greg-erianne Thank you Greg!   I just noticed my post-baileys beads shot should be called pre-baileys beads.  Oh well, it can wait.

Terri Zittritsch
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One last time.    Not sure I can do much better unless I figure some new techniques out.

Terri Zittritsch
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And yet again.



Paul Walker
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Nice set of images Terri. You had enough focal length to get the kind I detail I knew I wouldn't get at the 300mm fl I had intended to use (my lens opted to zoom out on itself to only 205mm. The detail you managed to pull out of the corona in the MX_composite_4_22 file would be amazing with clear skies, incredible considering the high clouds we had.  Even your first run on the Corona_61A5919-2 file is better than I would have expected.

Terri Zittritsch
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@pwalker Thanks Paul, it's more than I expected for sure!    I only used the Stowaway 92mm at 620mm or so with my Canon Ra camera.     


p.s. I don't seem to get notifications.. 

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