Horsehead (IC 434) ...
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Horsehead (IC 434) and Flame (NGC 2024) Sh2-277) Nebulae

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I got this replacement 107mm f7 scope on 1/18 and had 30 days to test it, so I had to take advantage of the clear skies last night to do that.  I was getting a bit nervous that I wouldn't have clear enough skies to test it before the return period.  (The scope I had to send back had pinched stars when the scope cooled, so I was thrilled to see that this copy of the scope gave me round stars despite the -14 deg Celsius temperature!)

I used it to capture two nebulae.  The Horsehead Nebula glows very bright red in H-alpha and has a very prominent (and iconic) horse head shaped dark nebula (Barnard 33) carved out on one side.  The Flame Nebulae, a bright emission nebula, also has a dark nebula at its center. Both nebulae are contained in the star-forming region of the Orion Molecular Cloud Complex and are illuminated by Alnitak, a triple star at the eastern end of Orion's Belt.

The moon was smiling down at about 98% illumination for most of the 4-hour imaging session, so the dual narrowband filter was a necessity. 

Askar 107PHQ Petzval Quadruplet (749mm fL) 
ASI2600MC Pro (OSC camera) 
ZWO AM5 mount with guiding via ASIAir Plus using an ASI178mm mini and a 60mm F4 guide scope
Antlia ALP-T Ha/OIII dual narrowband filter
240s x 48 [Total Exposure 3:12]; with dark, flat, and dark-flat frames 
Pre-processed in Siril and post-processed in Photoshop.

Terri Zittritsch
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Great image Greg!!   One of my favorite areas in the sky.   Lots of detail in that horsehead to look at.



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Thanks, Terri!  You're right.  I never realized how intricate and expansive that entire Orion Complex is until I started imaging it.  Just an amazing number of things to investigate there.  

I'm hoping to process the image more (and using PI) and pull out additional detail, but to be honest, I was so busy doing a Snoopy dance about the scope working fine I couldn't focus. 🤣 


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Posted by: @terri

Great image Greg!!   One of my favorite areas in the sky.   Lots of detail in that horsehead to look at.


I think this shows more of the detail in those nebulae, Terri.  PixInsight seems to have a way of bringing more out of images!



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