M33 - The Triangulu...
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M33 - The Triangulum galaxy

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Terri Zittritsch
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Here's M33, shot in 2020 I think.   It's around 6 hours of exposure through a Tec140 scope using a ASI1600 mono camera in LRGB+Ha.

With all of the clouds, have been playing around with my processing.

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This is a very detailed and colorful image.  Nicely done! What software are you using?  I have some data from Slooh.  It is only 3 missions.  I will post as soon as I can get to it just for giggles.

Terri Zittritsch
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Posted by: @ron-anstey

This is a very detailed and colorful image.  Nicely done! What software are you using?  I have some data from Slooh.  It is only 3 missions.  I will post as soon as I can get to it just for giggles.

Thank you so much Ron, I can't wait to see your images.  It's amazing what modern technology can do.

I am using numerous pieces of software.  I usually start with Pixinsight.  It has a steep and long learning curve, but worth the investment if this is a hobby you'll stay with for some time.    I almost always use photoshop on the very back end.  Photoshop does some things easier, quickly and more intuitively than Pixinsight.



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The Triangulum Galaxy (M33, NGC 598) is a large, spiral galaxy in the constellation Triangulum and it is about 2.73 million light years (ly) from Earth.  It has an apparent size of about 1 degree x 42 minutes, and an actual diameter of approximately 61,000 ly.

There are a large number of active star-forming HII (H alpha) regions in this galaxy, one of which can be seen left of center in the photo ( NGC 603), and the other can be seen in the upper right (NGC 595).  There are many other star forming regions within and around the Triangulum Galaxy.

I think the number of objects I can see in the photo that are part M33 is just incredible!  Some are very strange looking (to me, anyway) and I hope to follow up and do a bit more research on some of these amazing objects. If I do, I'll post here! 

Capture Dates: 9/16/23 (1:45 total) and 9/20/23 (2:30 total) [Avg Moon illumination ~ 14%]

Telescope: Askar 107PHQ
Camera: ASI2600MC Pro (OSC camera)
Mount/Guiding ZWO AM5 mount; guiding ASIAir Plus and ASI178mm mini and a 60mm F4 guide scope
Light Frames [Total Exposure 4:15]
- Antlia Triband Ultra RGB filter -- 300s x 45 frames (3:45 on 9/16 and 9/20)
- Antlia ALP-T Dual Narrowband (Ha, OIII) filter – 300s x 6 (0:30 on 9/16)
All light frames calibrated with dark, flat, and bias frames
Pre- and post-processed in PixInsight
Additional post-processing in Photoshop for generation of reduced size jpeg

This post was modified 2 years ago by Greg Erianne

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