Mars with TEC 180
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Mars with TEC 180

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Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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Well finally received the TEC 180.. it's a beauty.    I was out last night taking a few images of Mars and looking around.    Besides Mars, I viewed the trapezium and both E and F jumped out at me like never before.  I could see them in the 8" once in a while, but it was an averted gaze thing due to the brightness of the main 4 stars in the trap  In this scope, the stars are like little jewels in the sky.   E and F were resolvable at 100X and only more beautiful when I zoomed in.    The moon was a sight to behold.  It was perfect for looking at Hadley's rille.    I could easily see the entire rille except where it jumps into the mountain where you don't see it on any map.   Fresnel Rille was ridiculously easy to see.    Next time i'll have to see what kind of resolution I get, but it's better than my 11" SCT so far.    

Here's mars.  I used the ASI224MC color camera with a 2X powermate and 2X barlow stacked and then a ZWO ADC.     So more than 4X magnification given the distance from the barlow lens to the focus point abovs the ADC.




This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Terri Zittritsch

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Posted by: @terri

Well finally received the TEC 180.. it's a beauty.    I was out last night taking a few images of Mars and looking around.    Besides Mars, I viewed the trapezium and both E and F jumped out at me like never before.  I could see them in the 8" once in a while, but it was an averted gaze thing due to the brightness of the main 4 stars in the trap  In this scope, the stars are like little jewels in the sky.   E and F were resolvable at 100X and only more beautiful when I zoomed in.    The moon was a sight to behold.  It was perfect for looking at Hadley's rille.    I could easily see the entire rille except where it jumps into the mountain where you don't see it on any map.   Fresnel Rille was ridiculously easy to see.    Next time i'll have to see what kind of resolution I get, but it's better than my 11" SCT so far.    

Here's mars.  I used the ASI224MC color camera with a 2X powermate and 2X barlow stacked and then a ZWO ADC.     So more than 4X magnification given the distance from the barlow lens to the focus point abovs the ADC.




Congrats again on the new scope, Terri!!  Those images of Mars are incredible.  Can't wait to see more images! 


Eminent Member
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Posts: 34

Fine fotos, Terri!

        Congrats on getting a new scope -and- actually having a clear night to use it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How in the world did you manage that???


Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
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@peter-gillette  Thanks Peter, it was a long time in coming.  I'm glad it's meeting or exceeding expectations.



Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 407

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