Last seen: Sep 24, 2024
Nice image. Glad to see you and Terri are getting some deep sky imaging in. I've been focusing my attention on the Moon and Sun. And look at all th...
Another mosaic of the Moon (see the other 2 posts above). This one is from images taken a month early, 2023-03-29. This too is 6 image mosaic. The "...
Mosaic of the Moon from north (left) to south (right) 2023-04-27 was a good night for viewing and imaging the Moon! There is another mosaic taken ...
It was a good night here on the 2nd (2023-04-02). Best shot of Vallis Schrotor I've gotten. I didn't know there were so many rills in the area. I c...
On 3/28/2023 I took a set of 6 images along the terminator under good seeing conditions. There are 2 sections for which I took 2 images spaced about 1...
Hi Terri, Yes, welcome back and great image. I checked out your full res version. Great detail in the core region. 10 and 15 minute subs at 1036m...
Yes, there's good detail in there. Down here the seeing was poorer than on other days. Probably not so good there either. It will be interesting to...
@greg-erianne Nice image Greg. Looks like I should get an Antlia RGB Triband Ultra filter. I have probably heard of the Antlia RGB Triband, but I ...
Oh, yea, very nice results with that combo. Curiously, I see you used a Moon filter this time the the previous time. What's the purpose of it? Paul
Thanks. I'll have to download and try ImPPG. Deconvolution is one thing I don't have that I would like to have. Paul
Oh yes, very nice detail and contrast. I took some images yesterday, the day before that and on the 8th. I haven't processed today's yet but I do h...
Is this a single image or a stack? And did you do any sharping or other contrast enhancement on it? It looks a little "subdued" but copying onto my ...
2023-01-17 Naked Eye Sunspot. I have been getting several email notifications of solar flares (small to medium ones). With the Sun showing today I...
No doubt your equipment is better than mine but expect your seeing at times is better than mine as well. The first of the 2 latest images and the one...