Last seen: Sep 24, 2024
Looks like the system doesn't like the @ signs in the name. As I hover over parts of the link the "@0." shows as a link and is a the link but the who...
They look darn good to me! It apparently was a steady night over a fairly large area. You can compare them to my images taken the same night. Evening...
Here's a picture of the Sun with sunspots taken yesterday, Saturday, Sept. 2, 2022 from my backyard.I continue to be surprised and pleased with the am...
Finally responding- Very nice image. Even with the somewhat low resolution due to the image scale you have a surprising amount of detail. Viewing ...
Taken early morning. I got home a little after 3 AM after a night at the Hinesburg Observing Site. We had 9 (or 10, I may have missed one) members s...
I'm still using a DSLR so of course I have to do my dark the same night. You might as well take the "extra" calibration frames when it's that easy. ...
Hi Greg. Nicely done rendition. What you did is the easiest way to compromise between not too blown out core and enough data in the outskirts. I am...
I concur with what Terri says. I use up to a 10" f/4 (1000mm f.l.) Newtonian on my Atlas EQ-G (40 lb payload spec). This is pushing this mount to the ...
Thanks Terri. I signed up for alerts on It costs $50/yr but you can suspend or cancel any time. They send both email and text notices.
Hi Monty. Now I know why you wanted to register on the Forum : ) I’ll relate my experience visiting there. My wife and I went to Hawaii the end of ...
Nice image. Even with that scope it doesn't all fit in the field. Careful though, with commercial remote imaging you may decide it's more convenient ...
I have been impressed with the newer DSLR's higher Mp camera. With the relatively short exposures you are using the older lower Mpixel cameras produc...
Nice image. I didn't know it's NGC designation. My first thought was that it looks a lot like Centaurus A but I waited until after I read your post....