M42 (Orion) and M43...
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M42 (Orion) and M43 (De Mairan's) nebulae; Running Man nebula (reflection portion)

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Here's my first processed photo with my Apertura 60EDR/Canon SL3 (250D) combination. Unfortunately, the moon was at about 73% brightness and I didn't use any filters so my lights were a bit over-exposed and they had a large gradient in them.  I was really thrilled to get anything out of them.
- Canon EOS Rebel SL3 (250D)
- Apertura 60EDR (360mm native; 576mm with APS-C SL3) with field flattener
- 24 x 3 min each for lights; with darks, flats, and bias frames
- ISO 800
- SkyGuider Pro and Autoguiding with ZWO 120mm/30F4 miniscope and ASIAir Plus
- Processed in Siril & Photoshop
- Bortle 3/4 (Monkton, VT)

Paul Walker
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I'm impressed that you got the results you did under a bright Moon and using a star tracker device.  Granted you used an autoguiding setup. Looks like the guiding was good.  Were there any images you had to throw away?

It will be interesting to see what you get in a dark sky.

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Thanks, Paul.  No, I was actually able to use all the light frames I took.  But they all looked overexposed to me before I stacked them, which is why I was so surprised Siril was able to pull out some detail.

Yes, can't wait for a clear night and a new moon!


This post was modified 3 years ago by Greg Erianne

Terri Zittritsch
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Hi Greg, nice work on imaging with the moon out.   I typically only attempt either star clusters or narrow band images when there's a moon, and even then it requires the sky to be pretty clear without a lot of haze.   Nice job getting the running man as well.



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@terriz Thanks, Terri!  Actually, it wasn't my first target that night.  I tried the Flaming Star Nebula thinking it would be far enough away from the moon, but after looking at some of the images and seeing they were really too washed out from the moonlight I decided to abandon that.  Orion was still low on the horizon (not the best to shoot through all that atmosphere, but...) and a little farther away from the moon, so I decided to give it a try.  I was very happy to get some results for the night!


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