Sunspots, in "white...
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Sunspots, in "white light"

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I used a different camera today to capture some sun images: a ZWO ASI178MM (uncooled, monochrome) camera. (6.4 Mpx, 60 fps max)

I also tried SharpCap with a Windows Surface Pro 4 to capture the images and found that by using this software I was able to use the camera at full resolution.  (My ASIAir Plus limited me to 1920x1080 as I posted yesterday.)

Askar 107PHQ Petzval Quadruplet (native 749mm fL; F/7) with a 0.7x reducer (524mm fL; F/4.9)
ZWO AM5 mount

Baader 4" ASTF Solar Filter and a Meade 13% Moon Filter
ASI178MM (Monochrome camera) -- Gain at 100; Exposures at 0.2ms; Resolution 3096x2080; 13 fps
Videos processed in AS!3
Image processed in ImPPG and Photoshop.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Greg Erianne

Paul Walker
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Oh, yea, very nice results with that combo.  Curiously, I see you used a Moon filter this time the the previous time. What's the purpose of it?


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@pwalker Thanks, Paul.  It seemed that without any filter, even with the camera gains (either one) set very low and the exposures set to a few milliseconds, the image was still too bright. The 13% filter just seems to diminish the brightness to a nice level.  It might be different with a DSLR where you can set the ISO very low. I think the astro cameras are more sensitive, being designed for night imaging.  Not sure, just my guess.

I did see better contrast with the higher res ASI2600MC than the ASI178MM, though.  I'm going to give the ASI2600MC another shot but using SharpCap to get full resolution.  


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Well, although I definitely overexposed the center of the image, this morning I was able to get full resolution (6248x4176) using my ASI2600MC with SharpCap at native fL on my refractor.  I think that's the way to go.  I can see a little more resolution at the edges of the image than the image at 1080p with the ASI2600MC.  Next time the sky is clear and not as hazy as it is now, I'll lower the exposure next time.

Askar 107PHQ Petzval Quadruplet (native 749mm fL; F/7)
Baader 4" ASTF Solar Filter
ASI2600MC Pro (OSC camera) -- SharpCap Gain at 151; Exposures at 0.010s; Resolution 6248x4176 @ 3.5 fps
ZWO AM5 mount
Meade 13% Moon Filter
Videos processed in AS!3
Image processed in ImPPG and Photoshop (to darken slightly).

Paul Walker
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Yes, there's good detail in there.  Down here the seeing was poorer than on other days.  Probably not so good there either.  It will be interesting to see the results on a better day.  I got OK results today but less detail than on a better day.

Do you have a 2" Barlow lens you can use?  Doubling your e.f.l. would potentially put out a little more detail on good days.  I have 1.5X and 2X 2" Barlows, the 1.5X produces 2X with my DLSR and would almost fill your camera with the Sun.  Similar to the 1407mm fl of my 10" f/5.6 scope (though operating at 8" f/6.9).  I sometimes use my 1.5X Barlow on the 10" to get a little more detail on the better days but of course I can only get part of the Sun's disk that way.  My 1.5X Barlow is not necessarily even a good Barlow, it's a Wollensak purchase through Surplus Shed.

Here is my result from today:

10" f/5.6 with 8" White Light filter, Canon T7i, 1/800 sec, stack of 20 out of 114 frames.

The seeing was poor enough that AutoStakkert!3 had some trouble which produced some artifact on some of the sunspots.  I have version that has only 14 of the images looks a little sharper but has more artifacts.  This one has less in the way of artifacts but looks a little soft. North is more or less up.  The sides are cropped off to make the file smaller.

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Paul Walker

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That's a great image, Paul, despite the poor seeing.  The seeing wasn't good here, either.  I noticed that it was more difficult to focus than usual.

Yes, I have 2X (and a 4X) PowerMates.  Once I iron out all the camera settings, I'll give the 2X a try.



Terri Zittritsch
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Posted by: @greg-erianne

I used a different camera today to capture some sun images: a ZWO ASI178MM (uncooled, monochrome) camera. (6.4 Mpx, 60 fps max)

I also tried SharpCap with a Windows Surface Pro 4 to capture the images and found that by using this software I was able to use the camera at full resolution.  (My ASIAir Plus limited me to 1920x1080 as I posted yesterday.)

Askar 107PHQ Petzval Quadruplet (native 749mm fL; F/7) with a 0.7x reducer (524mm fL; F/4.9)
ZWO AM5 mount

Baader 4" ASTF Solar Filter and a Meade 13% Moon Filter
ASI178MM (Monochrome camera) -- Gain at 100; Exposures at 0.2ms; Resolution 3096x2080; 13 fps
Videos processed in AS!3
Image processed in ImPPG and Photoshop.


Beautiful sun spots and sun surface details!    I like that ASTF solar filter.   Super results.




Paul Walker
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2023-05-23  13:23 EDT  Sunspot #3311

10" f/5.6 stopped down to 8" f/7 with a Baader ASTF 8" full aperture filter. 2X Barlow (2.65x eff), HD video @ 3x digital zoom, 1/1000 sec @ iso 800, Canon Rebel T7i camera.

Stack of best 1% of 10,206 frames.


Paul Walker
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2023-05-28  ~13:03 to 13:07 EDT  Sunspot #3315

I could see the dark "bridge" within the white cleft was visible the 8" Dobsonian at 244x indicating I could detect visually some feature less the 1 arc sec in size.
10" f/5.6 stopped down to 8" f/7 with a Baader ASTF 8" full aperture filter. 2X Barlow (2.65x eff), HD video @ 3x digital zoom, 1/1000 sec @ iso 3200, Canon Rebel T7i camera.

Here's a processed image from a 5 minute long high definition (1920 x 1080) video, stacking the best 2% (188) out of 9,429 frames.

The image Below this is a version which is closer to looked like though the 8" Dob.
This post was modified 1 year ago by Paul Walker

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Posts: 374

@pwalker Paul, these are amazing!  Just beautiful work, and the detail (again!) is just incredible.  Super!


Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 393

Posted by: @pwalker

2023-05-28  ~13:03 to 13:07 EDT  Sunspot #3315

I could see the dark "bridge" within the white cleft was visible the 8" Dobsonian at 244x indicating I could detect visually some feature less the 1 arc sec in size.
10" f/5.6 stopped down to 8" f/7 with a Baader ASTF 8" full aperture filter. 2X Barlow (2.65x eff), HD video @ 3x digital zoom, 1/1000 sec @ iso 3200, Canon Rebel T7i camera.

Here's a processed image from a 5 minute long high definition (1920 x 1080) video, stacking the best 2% (188) out of 9,429 frames.

The image Below this is a version which is closer to looked like though the 8" Dob.

nice sunspots and annotations Paul.   I shot just a little yesterday with the 180 and my asi2600mc color camera.   These same spots were in view.  I haven’t tried processing it yet.   



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