NGC1333 (LBN 741; E...
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NGC1333 (LBN 741; Embryo Nebula)

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NGC 1333 is a beautiful reflection/emission nebula in the constellation Perseus in the western part of the Perseus molecular cloud, is about 1100 light-years (ly) from Earth, and is only about 4 ly wide.  North is to the right-hand side of the image.

The area is extremely complex and very active.  In addition to having a reflection nebula (vdB 17, top), an associated emission nebula (bottom), two dark nebulae (LDN 450 just above the blue reflection nebula and Barnard 205 just below the emission nebula), it is an extremely active star-forming region with many Herbig-Haro (HH) objects -- very bright nebular patches that surround newly formed stars.  The HH objects can be seen as prominent red patches of nebulosity throughout the bottom of the image.

Acquisition details

Capture Dates: Feb. 3 - 6, 2024


Antlia Luminance Pro: 10×60″ (10′)
Antlia Triband RGB Ultra Filter - 2.00'' Mounted: 107×300″ (8h 55′)

Integration: 9h 5′

Avg. Moon age: 24.14 days; Avg. Moon phase: 30.05%


Celestron EdgeHD 800 with 0.7x Reducer (1422mm fL)
ZWO ASI2600MC Pro and ZWO 5-position filter wheel
ZWO AM5 Mount
Guide Scope/Cam: Celestron Edge HD 800 OAG w/ ZWO ASI174MM Mini 

Processed with PixInsight and Adobe Photoshop

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Wow Greg! great job - so cool to see a new object -is there a way to annotate it? I need the "idiot's guide" to them!

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@michele-bayliss Thanks, Michele!  More time needed on this one as we talked about.  There are a couple of annotated ones on Astrobin, the best is probably Gary Imm's -- NGC 1333 - vdB 17 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin.

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@greg-erianne fantastic - that helps me visualize it!

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You're right, Greg! Very dynamic area. I really appreciate your "touch"" with color in this shot. Have you ever tried NGC1999? I have a feeling that you would deal with it very well.


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@peter-gillette Thanks, Peter!  I actually had never even seen NGC 1999 until you mentioned it.  I'm going to look into it a bit.  Thanks!


Terri Zittritsch
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Greg, another beautiful one!   Hard for me to see it all on my phone but again can’t wait to see it on the big screen.   Nice to get emission, reflection and dark nebula in the same frame.  Adds a lot of interest. 


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@terri Thanks again, Terri.  For such a small parcel of sky this is an amazing, and really beautiful, area.  This really could have done with a lot more time to bring out the surrounding dust without noise.  I'm definitely planning to revisit it with just RGB -- if we ever get clear skies on moonless nights.  🙄


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