Rima Fresnel and Ri...
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Rima Fresnel and Rima Hadley

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Terri Zittritsch
Member - Treasurer
Joined: 5 years ago
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Hi all, Given the descent seeing last night and the waning moon, I thought I'd look for Hadley again to see how the 11" Celestron would do.   I used an 1100HD Celestron scope, 2X Powermate and ASI 224MC camera.   The system was at around 6000mm.   Seeing wasn't excellent but it was better than typical as I was able to see 6 members of the trapezium in Orion easily.     Lighting wasn't perfect but it was good enough for me to finally get a shot.    I also took the opportunity to pop in an eyepiece at 2800mm and easily spied both Rima Fresnel and Rima Hadley.



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