Last seen: Sep 24, 2024
Nice image. I have noticed on the better images taken this Fall that the Great Red Spot has developed a dark red center. I am not aware that this fe...
Occultation of Mars by the Moon I manage to catch a some glimpses of Mars and the Moon through heavy clouds starting moments after Mars emerged from...
2022-12-04 Mars 10" f/5.6 Newtonian, eyepiece projection using 15mm eyepiece. Stack of 20% of ~ 5200 video frames (3 minutes). Video for this i...
What? How are you pronouncing it? : ) Ha ha ha ha......
This is a test post. It used to be when someone posted a reply to a topic the autogenerated email included a link directly to that post. Since Scott...
Wow, looks at all those dust clouds. And with only an hour's worth of exposure. The effective f/ratio of 3.44 helps but not a lot. Must have been a...
Nice. You can now say you have imaged Uranus.
Yes, I too am surprised you got such good results last night. I didn't even bother trying it was so bad down here. And big improvement on 2nd proces...
Mars, 11/22/2022, 9:45 PM ESTNote the time of this image of Mars above. Mars is high enough now mid-evening to get some good views and images.10" f/5...
Thanks. The last time (the only other time) I imaged them was in November 2008. I took about 100 still shots (used about 70 each planet) at that time...
11-20-2022 The seeing was predicted to be bad tonight. It was not great, but it was OK as evidenced by this image of Mars. Mars size 16.9", almost a...
Thanks Greg and Terri. I should have tried my 8" f/6 Newtion and compared the view to my 12.5" f/4.5 but it was in the car and I didn't want to take ...
Hadley Rille and Apollo 15 landing site2022-11-15, 2:52 AM ESTMiddlebury, VT I was out Thursday evening 11/14/2020 and Friday morning 11/15/2022. Th...
Hi Mark, I'm not sure but the feature may be what's called a festoon, not that that actually tells you much. Gary Nowak is the planetary observing e...