Last seen: Sep 24, 2024
Very nice. Very detailed and I like the how you keep the background bright enough to maintain visibility of the faint extremities of the galaxies.
I'm impressed that you got the results you did under a bright Moon and using a star tracker device. Granted you used an autoguiding setup. Looks like...
Both are very nice. They also nicely show there more than one "right" result when it comes to image processing. Aesthetically, I like the 2nd version...
Though a black or nearly black background may be more aesthetically pleasing, I too prefer having the background light enough to see the faint wisps a...
I can see you put a lot of effort showing the detail in the disks as well as including the faint outer regions of the galaxies. Nicely done. Paul
As you say it's not the most impressive object but you wouldn't know it looking at your image of it. Very nicely done. The colors show nicely and th...
Pretty nice for a cell phone shot through a moderate sized telescope.
Moon & Mercury Mercury is the "star" on the left side of the image. Evening of 2021-05-13. Moon was 2.29 days old. They made a very pretty ...
Wow! Very intricate. With 60Mp and the short focal length you can fit it all in and great the fine details at the same time! And this of course is ...
Date: 2/21/202110 days oldStack of 20 images taken at prime focus using Registax 6. 1/250 sec @ ISO 200.Telescope: 10" f/5.6 Newtonian on equatorial m...
Moon, first quarter Date: 3/31/20207.6 days oldStack of 24 images taken at prime focus. 1/250 sec, ISO 200.Telescope: 10" f/5.6 Newtonian on equator...
M42 and Trapezium (4 close together stars in the core) 2021-02-08 60sec X 4 @ iso400 in haze. Slightly cropped. Processed to show detail in the c...
Rigel (0 mag.) and 7th mag. companion 10 arc sec away. 2021-02-08 10in F/5.6, Canon T7i camera, prime focus, 0.33sec X 10 @ iso200 (cropped to 224...
NGC2169 (37 cluster)2021-02-08 10in F/5.6, Canon T7i camera , prime focus, 30sec X 9, @ iso1600 (cropped to 56x equivalent visual magnification). ...