Last seen: Jun 11, 2024
@greg-erianne Greg - you are so amazing. You come up with these unusual targets that really inspire the rest of us (me) to go and find it! Thank you s...
@eben-gay Fantastic work Eben! May I post this on our VAS Facebook page? (I'm our admin)
@greg-erianne Hi Greg! You always come up with such unusual targets that are both fascinating and beautiful. You educate us! Hope you don't mind ...
@terri I've never seen them displayed so distinctly/clearly before! WOW ❤️
@greg-erianne OMGosh, Greg, this is SOOO fantastic! Borrowed it for our VAS Facebook! <3
@terri This is REALLY lovely!
@terri and @greg-erianne, thanks so much friends for your encouragement!
@terri WOW - Dark nebulae are my favorite targets! This one is so UNUSUAL and you did another pro-quality job. If I can find it too, it would be fun, ...
@greg-erianne Greg, this is one of my ABSOLUTE favorite targets. You've captured SO MUCH detail in this image - quite astonishing. I can't wait to see...
@terri Those images are thrilling!
@greg-erianne Hi Greg! This is such a terrific image! You've been posting some unusual objects that I haven't seen before which is so refreshing! ...
@terri Hi Terri! I'm so glad you captured it. I debated but there's been another project I've been working on for about 6 nights now. In 30 minute...
@greg-erianne Hi Greg, this is such a beautiful shot! It makes me think (yet again) about getting PixInsight. It’s very complicated, but I suppo...
When you say put it in the arc is that sort of like plate-solving?